Simposio sobre pediatría ósea de HGF
FRIDAY, JULY 11, 2025 | 2 PM-6 PM
Abstract Submission Guidelines
MIEMBROS 2022 Pediatric Bone Symposium on June 10, 2022, at Four Seasons Hotel, in Atlanta, Georgia. The symposium will be held from 9 am to 12 pm ET.
HGF ahora está aceptando resúmenes para presentaciones que se centren en casos clínicos desafiantes e investigaciones óseas pediátricas originales, incluida la biología de trastornos óseos genéticos raros y el enfoque para el diagnóstico y el tratamiento.
El propósito de este simposio es proporcionar un foro dedicado a las presentaciones y debates sobre la salud ósea pediátrica. El simposio incluirá tres oradores principales, cuatro presentaciones de casos orales solicitadas con anticipación a los asistentes y un panel de discusión de los casos.
This Symposium will provide basic education to trainees and Faculty to learn more about bone disorders including the biology of diseases and the approach to diagnosis and management.
Un caso o serie de casos, con enfermedades óseas metabólicas o cualquier trastorno relacionado con los huesos
Sesiones abstractas
Los resúmenes aceptados se organizan en sesiones de póster basadas en temas. Los autores serán notificados de la fecha y hora de su presentación de póster abstracto. Los autores presentadores no podrán reprogramar sus presentaciones excepto por razones religiosas.
Fecha límite para enviar resúmenes:
26 DE MAYO DE 2022, 5 p. m. ET, EE. UU.
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Haga clic aquí para enviar en línea (solo).
Resumen Publicación:
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No se cobra la tarifa de envío de resúmenes.
Human Growth Foundation ofrece varios premios y becas de viaje para asistir al Simposio sobre huesos pediátricos de Human Growth Foundation. Las becas de viaje se otorgan a resúmenes destacados presentados por profesores en formación y nuevos que han sido aceptados para presentar su resumen en el Simposio. La selección de ganadores para todos los premios se basa en los criterios de adjudicación y la puntuación del resumen.
Requisitos de adjudicación estándar:
DEBE ser el primer autor presentador en el envío del resumen.
DEBE estar actualmente en formación (estudiante de posgrado, estudiante de la facultad de medicina, becario clínico o posdoctoral) o ser miembro de la facultad junior de carrera temprana (dentro de los 5 años posteriores a la finalización de su beca y/o del 1.° al 5.° año de la designación).
El envío de resúmenes NO lo registra automáticamente para el Simposio Óseo Pediátrico de la Fundación de Crecimiento Humano.
Una vez enviado, el autor presentador del resumen acepta registrarse y asistir al Simposio Óseo Pediátrico de la Human Growth Foundation para presentar el resumen.
Los servicios de edición, edición de idiomas, traducción y formato de carteles están disponibles a través de American Journal Experts.
No se cobra la tarifa de envío de resúmenes.
Autoría de la Obra:
Se permite la autoría en múltiples resúmenes.
Revisión del coautor y/o investigador principal:
El autor que envía (contacto) es responsable de garantizar que TODOS los coautores y/o investigadores principales revisen el resumen y acepten el Acuerdo de licencia antes de enviarlo. No obtener el permiso para publicar de los coautores puede resultar en el rechazo del resumen.
Política de publicación previa:
Los resúmenes enviados no pueden contener datos presentados previamente en una reunión nacional dentro de los EE. UU. en el momento de la presentación del resumen.
Los resúmenes enviados no pueden contener datos ya aceptados para su publicación en ningún lugar indexado en línea o Pub Med en el momento de la presentación del resumen.
Los infractores estarán sujetos a la retirada de resúmenes y se les puede prohibir presentar en futuros simposios de HGF.
Presentación a la(s) reunión(es) conjunta(s):
Puede enviar el mismo resumen a Endo oa una reunión nacional.
Ethical Issues and Conduct:
Authors who submit abstracts with or engage in publication ethical violations will be subject to exclusion for future abstract submissions.
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If all Author(s) are US Government employees and the Work was written as part of the official duties of the Author(s) as employees of the US Government, then the Work may not be subject to US copyright or the ownership provisions of this License. Nevertheless, to the extent allowed by, and consistent with, applicable law, the Author(s) authorize publication of the Work in the Human Growth Foundation publication (website, et al) under terms equivalent to those provided for in the license and agree to all of the warranties specified in the license.
Ownership of the Work
Human Growth Foundation acknowledges and agrees that the Author(s) of this Work own all right, title and interest of any nature, throughout the world, to the Work, including any copyright registration or applications for copyright registrations relating thereto anywhere in the world. The Work as defined includes but is not limited to text, figures, tables, artwork, abstracts, cover images, summaries, and supplemental data. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Human Growth Foundation may secure copyright registration for any collection or compilation in which the Work is published by the Human Growth Foundation.
The Author(s) grants to Human Growth Foundation, for the full term of copyright and any extensions thereto the sole and exclusive (except as provided in this Agreement), irrevocable license to publish, reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, store, translate, create derivative works from and otherwise use the Work in any language or in any form, manner, format, or medium now known or hereafter developed without limitation throughout the world, and to permit and/or license others to do any or all of the above.
Use of the Work
The Author(s) agrees that when reproducing the Work or extracts from it, the Author(s) will credit first publication of the Work in the Human Growth Foundation publication (website, et al) by name.
The Author(s) retains the following nonexclusive rights:
The Author(s) reserves the right after the publication of the Work to use all or part of the Work in compilations or other publications of the Author's own works and to make copies of all or part of the Work for the Author's use for lectures, classroom instruction, or similar uses.
The exclusive license granted to Human Growth Foundation permits the following: after the publication of the Work by the Human Growth Foundation publication (website, et al), third parties are automatically granted permission to use figures and tables created by the author(s) and contained in the Work for non-commercial use.
The Author(s) reserves the right to post the Work (including Human Growth Foundation's formatted PDF) after final publication on the Author(s)'s web page provided that a link to the article in the Human Growth Foundation's online publication is included.
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Protection of the Work:
The Author(s) authorizes the Human Growth Foundation to take such steps as it considers necessary at its own expense in the Author(s)'s name and on their behalf if it believes that a third party is infringing or is likely to infringe the copyright in the Work.
These Terms are governed by the internal laws of the State of New York. The Author(s) agrees that any action arising out of or in any way relating to these Terms may be brought only in a court of competent jurisdiction in the State of New York, and the Author(s) hereby consents to the jurisdiction, venue and convenience of such courts. Any waiver of any provision of these Terms will be effective only if it is in writing and signed by the Human Growth Foundation. No waiver of any provision of these Terms shall be deemed a further or continuing waiver of such provision or any other provision. If any provision of these Terms is found to be invalid, void or unenforceable by any court having competent jurisdiction, the remainder of these Terms shall remain in full force and effect.
Submitting (contact) authors may log in to edit their abstract up until the abstract submission deadline.
NO REVISIONS to the abstract or the list of authors will be allowed once the site closes on
MAY 26, 2022, 5 PM ET, USA.
Abstract Withdrawal:
Abstracts may be withdrawn by sending an email to Daphne Plump at
A withdrawal request must be submitted by the submitting (contact) author and include the abstract submission confirmation number.
Notice of Abstract Acceptance:
Abstract notifications will be emailed to presenting (contact) on February 15, 2020.
Ethical Issues and Conduct:
Los autores que envíen resúmenes con o participen en violaciones éticas de publicación estarán sujetos a la exclusión para futuros envíos de resúmenes.